
Starkweather Winter Solstice Celebration

Saturday December 21, 2024 4:00 pm - 6:30 pm
Olbrich Park sledding hill3201 Oakridge AveMadison WI 53704
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Notes regarding time

Baseball Diamond #5 at the bottom of the sledding hill on the western end of the park.


Come gather around the Bonfire

Saturday, December 21, 4:00-6:30pm 

Free Event

Olbrich Park on Lake Monona 2300 Atwood Ave.

Come early so as not to miss the lighting ceremony and the short-lived BIG BLAZE of the Bonfire 4:30 - 4:45 pm๐Ÿ”ฅ . 


4:00 pm Celebration begins with hot beverages, singers and musicians

4:15 pm Bonfire Blessing Begins

4:30 pm (Sunset): Bonfire is lit by honored fire lighter with the International Flame of Hope

The annual Winter and Summer Solstice gatherings  to celebrate community, nature, humanity, and life on earth on the northern hemisphere's shortest (and longest) days of the year

Wishes are added to the fire after it is burning lower (5:00 ish)

Bring worries and thoughts to let go of in the fire ash, wishes to ascend with the smoke, and hope for more light in all of our lives, as we celebrate the beginning of the longest night.

Featuring Mother Earth, the Sun & Sky, critters and creatures, your friends & neighbors. Enjoy Ice Lanterns (weather permitting), Hot Chocolate & Cider, Songs, Drumming, Dancing, Wish agents, AND a BONFIRE ๐Ÿ”ฅ!!  

Baseball Diamond #5 at the bottom of the sledding hill on the park’s western end.

23rd Annual Winter Gathering

Sponsored by Friends of Starkweather Creek and SASY Neighborhood Association, (Schenk-Atwood-Starkweather-Yahara).

Great thanks to contributors including Design Coalition, Gemini Landscaping, International Flame of Hope, Glass Nickel, Willy Street Co-op, Jenifer St. Market, Mother Fool's Coffee House, The Goodman Center, WORT, Isthmus, Bachmann Const. Co, 350 WI Art collective, and all the amazing volunteers!

Contact person: Betty Chewning 608-263-4878

How can you help?

VOLUNTEER to set up, cleanup, be a wish agent, or drink server



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