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Madison Night Market is a celebration of Madison's unique and inspiring creative culture.
Vendors showcase handmade products, local art, artisan gifts, prepackaged foods and fresh produce. The event includes live music, artists, special visiting food carts and pop-up restaurant experiences.
The Market is presented by Madison's Central Business Improvement District (BID) in partnership with the City of Madison. Partnerships with area arts and cultural organizations ensure this event is a city-wide representation of this community’s talent.
Businesses within the BID will be encouraged to participate at the Night Market or in their own place of business with a special event or attraction that evening like a trunk show, sample sale, visiting artist, etc.
The Market, located along State Street and Gilman Street in the heart of downtown Madison is held the second Thursday of the month.
2023 Dates are May 11, June 8, August 10, September 14, and October 19
Downtown Madison