Every week, Macaroni KID Madison highlights free/low-cost ideas to do with kids in the Madison area in addition to the events and family-friendly ideas in our newsletter. This week, we're excited for:
- Scavenger hunts. It's the final week of the scavenger hunt for prizes at the free Mustard Museum in Middleton, and a spring break hunt with an ice cream prize at Seven Acre Dairy (plus games and $5 grilled cheese) Monday-Friday.
- Escape rooms. Kid-friendly escape rooms are free at the Waunakee, Middleton, and Stoughton libraries this week. Be sure to register for the time/age range that fits.
- Magic. This Thursday's free night at the Children's Museum includes two performances from James the Magician, one of our local favorites. Don't be fooled by his laid-back style, he knows his stuff!
- Game nights. Play with legos Monday at Working Draft Brewing, pick from tons of games Wednesday at Roll Play Games, and go for a family game night (with good food and ice cream) in McFarland Saturday.
- Nature hike. At the Lussier Center Sunday, take a free nature hike with a story time and other activities. It's national "take a walk day," and we've got more favorite area hikes in our spring break guide.
What did we miss? You can add events to our calendar (it's free!) and contact us about promoting your event or organization.