
Ideas for Turning Your Family Summer Upside Down

Simple Switches to Foster Creativity, Independence, and Family Bonding

By Marisa Palmer May 27, 2024

Summer is the perfect time to shake up family life and gain fresh perspectives. Inspired by the Acton Academy philosophy, which emphasizes creativity, independence, and growth, here are ten suggestions for a meaningful, low-stress summer:

  1. Ask questions instead of answering them. Let curiosity flow both ways and learn from your children's perspectives.
  2. Let the children plan a day or mini-vacation. Empower them to design their dream day, fostering creativity and independence.
  3. Have pancakes for dinner instead of breakfast. Breaking routine can turn an ordinary meal into a fun, memorable event.
  4. Use Growth Mindset language: say “Tell me what strategies you used” instead of “You’re so smart!” and “I can tell you worked hard” instead of “That’s awesome!”
  5. Let the children lead bedtime stories. This nurtures imagination and gives them a voice in family traditions.
  6. Have a family cooking night with new, adventurous recipes. Culinary exploration can be a delicious way to bond.
  7. Stay up late reading a book aloud with a flashlight. Create cozy, unforgettable memories with a nighttime reading adventure.
  8. Use dance breaks to diffuse tension instead of getting mad. Dancing can bring a smile to everyone’s face.
  9. Tackle a big project together, like building a birdhouse or planting a garden. Collaborate on something meaningful and watch your efforts bloom.
  10. Turn chores into a game with a "chore jar" filled with fun, random tasks. Make them more enjoyable with popsicle prizes.

These ideas, inspired by Acton Academy co-founder Laura Sandefer, require little planning and can transform everyday moments into extraordinary ones. Embrace these simple switches to foster deeper connections and a summer filled with joy and discovery.

Acton Academy Madison West has a few spots remaining for fall 2024 for learners in grades 4K-5. Our unique educational philosophy turns learning upside down to inspire creative, lifelong learners. Learn more and schedule a 1:1 call with our Head of School on ourwebsite.