
Do You Have a Young Entrepreneur in Your Life?

Join or shop the Acton Children’s Business Fair on Saturday, April 13

By Marisa Palmer April 1, 2024

Acton Academy Madison West is hosting children ages 6-12 to launch their startup at the exciting one-day marketplace called the Acton Children’s Business Fair on Saturday, April 13. It's a fantastic opportunity for young minds to develop a brand, craft a product or service, and dive into the world of entrepreneurship. The fair is accepting booth applications from young entrepreneurs. 

Why is it worthwhile to support and encourage early entrepreneurship?

Creativity and Innovation: Children are challenged to come up with unique ideas for products or services that cater to specific needs or interests, fostering their creativity and problem-solving skills.

Confidence Building and Fun: Presenting their ideas to a wider audience can boost children's confidence and self-esteem. They showcase their abilities, receive feedback, and learn from their experience.

Financial Literacy: children learn about budgeting, pricing, revenue, and profit. They learn the value of money and managing resources wisely.

Real-World, Hands-On Experience: Children will experience entrepreneurship hands-on, learning to make decisions, solve problems, and manage resources. 

Competition and Rewards: With prizes for best business idea, most potential, and best marketing, your child's hard work could shine in various age categories.

You can shop the fair on Saturday, April 13 from 10am to 1pm at Acton Academy Madison West. Acton Academy Madison West is an innovative, learner-driven elementary school. We believe that learning to learn, learning to do, and learning to be, are more powerful than knowing alone.